Highway 101 Pollinator Project.
Most of us are aware that plant life and human food are dependent on pollinators who often prefer native flowering plants for nectar and pollen.
Our current project, in cooperation with ODOT and Lincoln County, consists of nineteen sites where we install native plants to support native pollinators along the 25-mile herbicide free right-of-way between Newport and the Lane County line south of Yachats.
We strive to have a variety of flower shapes and bloom times to support native bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators.
Volunteers (over 18 years old) are welcome to join us for fall planting, spring weeding and summer watering.
We also work to raise awareness of the plight of pollinators by providing information at local farmers markets and other local events.
Yachats News wrote about the dedication of our Pollinator Project sign.